New Year, New Opportunity!

January 8, 2018

01 / 08 / 2018

Welcome, New Year! I’m so glad you are here and I feel giddy with opportunity.  I have a feeling this year is going to be amazing.  I’m glad to have the chance to share my thoughts and give you some juicy, happy energy about 2018, the way I see it anyway.

I am not one to wish away time but I have to say I’d had enough of 2017.  There seemed to be so much chaos in my life and in the lives of those around me.  Everyone seemed to have something to gripe about or a challenge that knocked them off their feet.  It was relentless.

And talk about work!  So glad to be working but at times I felt like it was all work and little result.  And where did the fun go?  Did I remember to have fun?  Hmmm – not much.

I asked myself if the chaos was supposed to be filled with reward?  Should I look deeper at the lessons there?  I learned, through my meditation work about the “lesson of contrast,” which states that for everything, situation, and experience that you don’t want or dislike, the lesson of contrast tells you that you now know for certain what you do want in life.  That’s quite helpful don’t you think?

So if your situation is one where you are fed up with what has been, why not use that feeling of “fed-up-ness” to let it go.  It isn’t serving you anyway.  It isn’t helping to stay stuck in the “I hate this” energy.  It is better to say “well, that is interesting and not so helpful so let me let this go and move on to what does serve me.”

What if you are frustrated with your weight, health, and wellness?  So many of us are,  especially after the holidays.  What if we changed our strategy from hitting the gym and punishing ourselves to one where we accept that we fluctuate in weight now and then.  Accept that.  Allow it to be.  Then, in the same way, that you gained a few pounds, or got away from your wellness, allow the new habits that bring you back to your best self to filter into your life.

It could be as simple as drinking more water every day or getting rid of all the Christmas fare right now.  How about measuring your portions?  Eating Clean® and green?  You could plan your workouts right now – 5-6 per week.  Cold weather is not a problem.  Get outside and show shoe.
Right now I’m trying to figure out how to hang my TRX outside. I have a great spot that I think will work just fine.  As long as I layer up I can work out anywhere.  My TRX straps were a Christmas gift from my daughters – they are the only thing I wanted.

Ask anyone who is trying to preserve their mental capacity.  Exercise is more for your brain than your butt.

Between you and me, let’s let go of what didn’t serve us from 2017, and from life in general, and reach for what does in 2018.

I am always listening.


PS. I want to hear what you will be letting go of this year and what you will be embracing.  Share, please!!

PPS: I’ll be announcing my upcoming member challenges in a couple of weeks!! Can you say Strike Sugar? Stay tuned!

PPPS: If you’re really eager to set this year off on the right track, join me in Costa Rica!!

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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