Long Weekend Birthday Party: I Celebrate With The Queen!

May 18, 2017

05 / 18 / 2017

May is the month of Queens, so I have been noticing on Instagram – “Queens are Born in May!” – says the T-shirt.  And yes, HRH Queen Elizabeth was indeed born in this beautiful month, and well, ahem, so was I!  Here’s how I plan to party like Her Majesty.

My theme for this month and this birthday celebration, is FUN!  Because why? Because I had forgotten to do that, what with the challenges of the past few years.  But I dusted off my bright yellow raincoat, lightened up my hair, slathered on some Sassy Z lip gloss and thought, what the he!!, time to live a little.

I have a dear friend who enjoys life so much he bought the call letters FFUN for his helicopter.  Whenever that beautiful chopper, in all its’ badassness flies over, that is the message you see – FUN! My friend has learned that life is for living, no matter what obstacle is coming at him. He always has a twinkle in his eye, a sweet word for a pretty lady, especially his wife (who happens to my bestie), and lets his generous heart spill out to all. His big heart teaches me to smile and breath in the staggering beauty that is life, and laugh while I’m doing it.

After Bob passed, I didn’t know how to have fun anymore. I would watch others living life full on and wonder what they were so happy about. I couldn’t picture myself feeling that bubbly and I admit, the green monster would sometimes bubble up.  It was hard to watch others being happy.

Then I learned that life has no meaning at all unless you are actually showing up for your own party, actively participating in the living of it.  In order to move myself off of the sidelines and back into the game I had to perform some serious self help surgery to get out of the funk.  I stopped blaming and playing the victim and started accepting that sometimes sh!+ happens and it’s better to dive right into that big pile of manure and get comfy with it.

I now practice meditation, gratitude journalling, sharing and caring with full force.  I’m feeling better.

Another friend, who has been going through a tough divorce, calls that “sitting in the ashes.”  There are going to be times when things feel crummy but there are also many times when life is stunningly brilliant.  Like that day when I held my first granddaughter, just hours old. Or the day that I met you, at my retreats, and got to sweat, eat, laugh and cry with you.  I’ve had days when I step outside and am humbled by a brilliant blue sky, a meal made by a friend or the kindness of the many new friends I have made who accept me as I am – messy, strong, weak and stubborn.  Life feels good again.

These moments are unforgettable.

This weekend my intention is to celebrate, simply and deeply.  As a friend once wrote, “Let the wild rumpus begin!” And so it begins.

Share your celebratory story with me. How will you show up in your own party?

I personally will be in Ann Arbor, Michigan, creating a wild rumpus with my two brothers and their families.  I do believe there will be some beer involved and hopefully a carrot cake. I know for sure there will be much laughter because whenever we get together, we are ridiculously silly.  It all starts when we try to speak Dutch – everything just sounds funnier in Dutch, to us anyway.

Happy Long Weekend to my Canadian friends!

Enjoy it deeply.

Tell me more.

Love, hugs and gratitude for another blessed year with you.


PS. I want to gift you.  Here’s how. I’m offering a 25% discount on annually purchased Commit membership. The new membership overhaul will make you sparkle and shine! Sign up today.

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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