The Transformative Power of Limpias: Releasing Toxic Energy for Holistic Wellness

March 27, 2024

03 / 27 / 2024

Holistic healing holds a powerful place in the Eat Clean System. In the realm of holistic wellness and energy healing, the practice of Limpias holds profound significance. Rooted in ancient traditions and wisdom, particularly South American in origin, Limpias offer a pathway to release toxic energy, rejuvenate the spirit, and restore balance within the body and mind. 

Think of a Limpia as a spiritual cleansing.

As a wellness expert, I am passionate about exploring the transformative power of Limpias and their integral role in a complete wellness strategy. Since I have needed this kind of practice in my own life, I think it is of value to share with you too.

Woman in park with sports bra on releasing positive energy

Understanding Emotional Energy and its Impact

Emotional energy, often referred to as “emotional baggage,” is the energetic residue of past accumulated experiences, traumas, negative emotions, and unprocessed feelings that we carry within us. This energy can become trapped in the body, manifesting as tension, stress, and dissonance. Over time, this accumulated toxic energy can take a toll on our well-being, contributing to a range of issues including weight gain, chronic illness, mood disorders, and more. Sometimes the trapped energy is so dense it can create illness and physical limitations in the body that have serious repercussions.

My late husband, Robert, experienced tremendous emotional trauma in his life.  His young son was severely brain injured after a car accident never to be the same again. His then wife ended her life.  His life was forever altered.  As a stoic Brit he chose not to do the emotional work that could have helped him so profoundly. Instead he died of lung cancer.  The lungs,  in Traditional Chinese Medicine, are the center for grief.  Of course he would be sick from grief. 

How Toxic Energy Can Hurt Us

  • Weight Gain: Emotional energy imbalances can disrupt our relationship with food and eating habits. Stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotions can lead to emotional eating, cravings for unhealthy foods, and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Illness: The mind-body connection is profound, and toxic emotional energy can weaken the immune system, disrupt hormonal balance, and contribute to chronic conditions such as autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, and cardiovascular problems.
  • Mood Disorders: Unprocessed emotions can manifest as mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings. These conditions not only impact mental well-being but also affect physical health and quality of life.
  • Energy Blockages: Toxic energy can create blockages in our energy centers (chakras) and meridians, leading to stagnation, low vitality, and a sense of being stuck or unfulfilled in life.
Woman in bikini laying down on mat in a park soaking in sun

The Role of Limpias in Wellness

Limpias offer a powerful method to release and cleanse toxic energy from the body, mind, and spirit. Through various techniques such as energy clearing, smudging with sacred herbs, sound healing, and intention setting Llimpias facilitate the release of emotional baggage and energetic blockages. This process allows for deep healing, restoration of inner harmony, and a renewed sense of vitality.

I have experienced such release methods myself, especially when I visited the Big Island of Hawaii and worked with shamans, body workers and lightworkers.  The experience is always done with expert guides because at the time of release, a person is quite vulnerable.  This can be frightening if you are left on your own.  An experienced practitioner is essential.

I have also benefited from the use of small doses of psilocybin mushrooms to help me deal with the tremendous grief I experienced after Robert’s death.  I was severely traumatized by the suddenness of his illness and death but also by the subsequent events that were as yet to reveal themselves. I soon was forced to bankrupt his business and face the repercussions of this as well as being broke myself.  I needed help to get out of blame and shame, anger and danger.  Plant medicine administered through a Limpia, or spiritual cleansing, helped.

Benefits of Releasing Toxic Energy through Limpias

  • Emotional Healing: Limpias provide a safe space to acknowledge and release suppressed emotions, leading to emotional healing, inner peace, and increased emotional resilience.
  • Physical Well-Being: By releasing toxic energy, Limpias support physical well-being by reducing stress, boosting immune function, improving sleep quality, and promoting overall vitality.
  • Mental Clarity: Clearing toxic energy can enhance mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function, allowing for greater creativity, problem-solving abilities, and mental resilience.
  • Spiritual Connection: Limpias foster a deeper connection to one’s spiritual essence, helping individuals align with their true purpose, values, and inner wisdom.
Woman with sunglasses standing in sunshine smiling

Integrating Limpias into a Holistic Wellness Strategy

In a holistic wellness approach, Limpias complement other self-care practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, healthy nutrition, breathwork and regular physical activity. By addressing the energetic aspects of well-being Llimpias contribute to a comprehensive strategy for holistic wellness that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit.

Personal experience has taught me to surrender to whatever healing modem serves you best. Several years ago, one of my dear friends who taught me yoga, took me to see a healer named Master Lee.  He’s located in the Greater Toronto Area.  She told me that interesting things would happen to me once he got me on his table. 

 “Don’t question it,” she said. “Just go with it.”

I prepared myself, for what I don’t know, but stuck out my tongue accordingly (so Master Lee could see the shape of it) and accepted the acupuncture needles without complaint.  After twenty minutes spent with the STIM on and listening to meditative music, Master Lee appeared again.  He told me to relax and breathe.  He rubbed his hands together vigorously and then, without laying hands on me at all, he began to “pull” for I don’t know how else to describe it, energy through my body and out through my fingertips.  It felt like I was being zapped by an electrical charge, like when you step in water while holding an electrical appliance.  Zap! Zap! Zap!

When the current, for what else do I call it, got to my fingertips, the pain was excruciating but over just at the moment I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore.  Then there was a prevailing feeling of wellbeing in my body.  As if all was well with the world.  It felt like an electrical orgasm if it can be explained that way.

I see Master Lee to this day. 

Embrace the Journey of Healing

As a wellness expert committed to holistic healing that is part of the Eat Clean System, I encourage you to explore the transformative potential of Limpias as part of your wellness journey. Embrace the opportunity to release toxic energy, cultivate inner peace, and embark on a path of holistic wellness that honors the interconnectedness of your body, mind, and spirit.

May your journey be filled with healing, transformation, and radiant well-being.

With love and light,

Tosca Reno

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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