Why You Need to Join My Clean Living Experience!

March 22, 2018

03 / 22 / 2018

Any time is a good time to participate in my Clean Living Experience retreats.  Hosted in the continental US and in the Caribbean, as well as South America, each destination is an adventure and a wonder.

But this time it’s even better because you will receive $300 off when you book and pay in full by April 5th.

And the destination is stunning.  The gorgeous Coco B Isla resort, on a sun drenched Mexican island, will be the place where health, happiness and clean living unfold.  For 5 magical days we journey together learning how to awaken the wellness that lives in each of us. We unblock what is holding you back from embracing life fully, make friends and create a memorable life experience, sure to change your life forever.

Let me share some of the words Clean Living Experience Participants have written ….

“It takes some work to follow the Clean Lifestyle, but I feel slimmer and healthier already, from just those days at our retreat.  I am looking forward to feeling a lot better over the next few weeks as I practice the Clean Living principles you have taught during those memorable days. I am grateful to you and my new friends in wellness.”

— Ingrid VW., Toronto, Ontario

“Our time with you was profound – we had a great time ….  and reflected on our learnings, strategized on how to apply them in the real world, and enjoyed each other’s company.   We have spent the last few days prepping the cooler for the week! We made nut butter and a great muffin for breakfast and I am committing to the Strike Sugar Challenge…anyone want to join me?”

— Carrie and Grace W., PA

“Blessings and good health to you and yours!

Thank you so much for SO MUCH in the past 5 days.  I guess the adventure was a bit different to me than to the rest because I got to meet my Eat Clean Guru!

Thanks for the lessons, the kind words, the example of a strong woman. You are an awesome human being and I feel honored to have met and shared with you.

Now to my intentions:

Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar take in Swell bottle
Pilates classes or classes that challenge me
Splenda and Stevia
Soaked oats the night before
Eat more vegetables and real food…less protein bars and fake food/supplements
I am already ahead at some of them:

I bought the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
I joined a Pilates Studio a few blocks from home
I cooked a Spinach, eggs, tomato and Oats Tortilla for Breakfast instead of having my usual protein shake before running off to the gym.
Plus: I even bought a cute notebook to begin journaling!

Thank you for your honesty and being so open about your life!

I will cherish these moments I have the opportunity and blessing to share with you!

Big hug and stay safe.”

— Nicole H., Paraguay

“On days where I do follow through on all 4 intentions, I feel great – perhaps more mentally than anything else. All steps in the right direction and it all started at your retreat.”

— Carolyn C., Oakville, Ontario

“Hi Tosca~

Thank you for your wonderful note and our amazing wellness retreat. The retreat was different than what I expected, but completely exceeded my expectations. Wellness is a journey and I feel so completely blessed to have met you as I make my way. At the moment when I needed to hear, “accept yourself where you are”, you said it. Just at the time when I needed to read, “don’t do more”, you wrote it. Thank you for that reminder to be gentler and kinder to ourselves. Meditation has become a part of my daily routine.  My boys ask to meditate with me each night and they chose the meditation by doing the game rock, paper scissors.  🙂

One night as the moon was shining into the dark room through the blinds, my oldest said to me “Mommy it is so peaceful in here right now”.  My Cup Runneth Over

I could have never imagined the pockets of peace that I now have despite the unfinished to do list, work deadlines and the daily pressures and obligations of a full wonderful family life.  The waiting is over for me. Thank you!

Meditation has made the grass greener and the flowers brighter.

Thank you for being you and thank you for presence on our retreat.

You are a ray of light and I look forward to seeing you shine in your next chapter.

Love and hugs to you and your girls.”

— Bridget, Mother of 4, USA

I feel blessed every time I read these words.  I would love to meet you and put your words here too.  I invite you to consider a beautiful, Clean Living Experience Retreat with me, this May in Mexico.

Much love and anticipation for our wellness journey together,

Tosca Reno

PS. Don’t forget to take advantage of the discount and remember also to invite a friend, mother, sister, daughter, aunt … anyone who would love to feel fabulously well again.

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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