21 Day Holiday Self-Care Journal Challenge

December 1, 2017

12 / 01 / 2017

Here it is! The 21 Day Holiday Self-Care Journal Challenge!! This holiday season, I invite you to give the gift of love and care to YOU.

While the holiday season is full of happy, giving times, as we all know they are also extremely stressful – full of deadlines, planning, spending money, errands and running around. That’s why it’s so important to check-in with yourself a few minutes a day.

Journaling, even for 5 minutes, will help you be more present, release any stress you might be facing and ultimately help you show up as the best version of yourself over the holidays.

Here’s how the challenge will work – it’s 3 easy steps:

  1. Every day I will share a new self-care focused journal starter here on the blog, on this page and on my Facebook page
  2. Download the Journal PDF attached or use your own journal
  3. Write about the thought starter and any other thoughts that come to mind

When you’re done, and if you’re up for it, check back in with me with your comments. Share how you’re feeling and if the thought starter brought anything to light

PS: I’ll still be sharing holiday eat-clean recipes and healthy tips, and if you want more of this sign-up for the Membership program where I’m offering weekly Eat-Clean® menu plans for the entire month of December!

Example: It’s December 1st and I have little to show for my holiday preparations.  I can feel that I might slip down that slope of panic … shop more, do more, get ready, run, run, run!  But when I think about what matters most and about the memories of the best holiday times, it isn’t stuff that makes memories.  It’s time spent with friends and family.  For today, I will focus on being present in this moment, right now. Not the future or the past. But now so that I can feel the experience of now right into my DNA.  Tomorrow that feeling will be my good memory.  I can live with a little more good feeling moments.  For today, that is what I will practice.

21 Thought Starters: 

Day 1…. I invite you to reflect on your favourite holiday season practices.

Day 2….. To find balance in your day.

Day 3….. To be present in every moment of this day.

Day 4…. To share a thought or smile with a complete stranger.

Day 5…. To make a memory with a loved one.

Day 6….. Today I invite you to write about and give thanks for even the most challenging people in your life – they can be amazing teachers.

Day 7….. Today I invite you to write about the fun moments you had yesterday.  What gave you joy?

Day 8…. Today I invite you to think about something you did yesterday that was out of your comfort zone and how that made you feel.

Day 9…. Today I invite you to write about your intentions for this day.

Day 10…. Today I invite you to write about a time you stepped into nature and let the outdoors into your soul.

Day 11…. Today I invite you to write about the things you can let go of just for today.  

Day 12…. Today I invite you to write about how you will nourish yourself.  What meals will you create? What whole, clean ingredients will you use?

Day 13…. Today I invite you to write about how you will be gentle with yourself – after all, it is the season of kindness and forgiveness – save some of it for yourself.  Write about how you will make time for you.

Day 14…. Today I invite you to write about the family traditions you know and love.  What particular things are special to you in the holiday season? Is there something that has deep meaning for you?

Day 15…. Today I invite you to think about your need for control or perfection and let go of these things – the burned turkey, the drunk relative, the disappointing gift or lack of one – and find the joy in your heart instead.  Write about what makes you feel good.

Day 16…. To find beautiful holiday music, light a candle and take up your pen (or fingers) and write about how you experience the holidays through your senses.  What do you smell? What are you tasting? Consider touch, sound and sight and write about these.

Day 17…. Today I invite you to write about an act of sharing or generosity that you did, with no intention of receiving anything in return.  When we do this, we raise our vibrational energy dramatically and make someone else’s life better too.  

Day 18…. Today I invite you to write about the joy of moving your body.  Plan to exercise today – at least 30 minutes – even a walk will do.  Write about doing it. How it feels.  Why you are going to commit to this on a regular basis.

Day 19…. Today I invite you to write a letter to a loved one who has passed away and share your favorite memories of time spent with that person.

Day 20…. Today I invite you to write a letter to yourself about what you are looking forward to this season and in the New Year.

Day 21…. Today I invite you to write a letter to your children (separately) telling them all the things you ever wanted to share about being their parent.

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


  1. And I love your engagement. Have a beautiful day and keep journaling!

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