Strategies for Proactive Aging

October 15, 2017

10 / 15 / 2017

When girlfriends and sisters get together the talk eventually turns to new products, facial treatments or the latest potions to keep our youthful glow.  This is exactly what happened recently when I was invited to sit down with Jeanne Beker, Lynn Spence , Dr. Janet Tamo and Dr. Kucy Pon, at a roundtable discussion hosted by Procter & Gamble.

As Procter & Gamble’s newest Health and Wellness spokesperson, I felt privileged to be among so many Canadian icons, addressing a subject near and dear to us – aging proactively. Jeanne, Lynn and I quickly dove into the subject of aging.  Since “anti-aging” is now a taboo term according to Dame Helen Mirren, we chose to speak of aging as a privilege, each day being a gift.

Moderated by none other than Ms Beker, an accomplished woman with decades of experience in fashion and media, it was important for Jeanne to highlight that women in the Boomer years want to be recognized for their accomplishments, that we don’t wish to age in the same way as our parents, and that we still have much to offer.  None of us, in this demographic, wish to be forgotten.

Our discussion took us down many paths but here are the key points, as stated by each of the pros, on that memorable day.

Tips from the Pros for Proactive Aging

Jeanne Baker

Jeanne has a zest for life and plans to keep her engagement in a purposeful life, at high levels. “We shouldn’t just be striving to look young but embracing this life stage and wearing our age with confidence,”  states Beker. She practices gratitude, a spiritual approach to each day, wherein she recognizes and gives thanks for the bounty of her life.  You can’t miss her radiance factor!  She believes it is important for this demographic of women to be better served.  “Retirement is not even on our radar … we are not going to stay at home … play bridge and watch the world go by, as many of our mothers did at this age.”

Lynn Spence

Spence is a fan of protecting the crowning glory – our hair.  She should know, she’s got plenty of it and she keeps it healthy by handling it less.  Less heat, less fuss and cleaner, alcohol free products, reduces stress on hair, and when combined with excellent nutrition, helps you keep a full and beautiful head of hair.  I learned that one shampoo, not two, each time you shower, is optimal. She really loves the Pantene Pro-V Sheer Volume 2 in 1 because it doesn’t wear her hair down and helps her maintain fullness.

Dr. Janet Tamo

Tamo possesses fabulous white teeth, something she says is a hallmark of youth.  Our teeth collect the evidence of various habits – smoking, drinking wine and coffee – and become stained over the years. If we maintain a mouthful of gorgeous white teeth, we boost our radiance factor and brighten the smile,benefits that can be readily achieved through regular flossing and brushing with Dr. Tamo’s top pick, Crest Pro-Health toothpaste.

Dr. Kucy Pon

Dr. Pon, a leading dermatologist, suggests the tri-fecta of exfoliating, cleansing and hydrating, are critical steps in managing skin, no matter the age.  However as we progress in years, Pon recommends using serums aimed at reducing the appearance of wrinkles, promoting sun protection, delivering nutrients to the dermal layers, and boosting cell turnover and regeneration are essential to caring for older skin.

Tosca Reno

As I age I practice the Three E’s of Wellness: Eating Clean®, Exercise and Emotional Wellness.

Eating Clean®

The stresses of everyday life do impact our wellness but we can manage these by consuming foods that nourish rather than attack. I call that Eating Clean®.  Probiotics are the wunderkind in supplements today but they have a long history of promoting gut health, flatter tummies and less GI upset. When your tummy is happy, participating in life is a joy.

The same applies to fibre – few of us get enough but simply adding a fibre supplement like Metamucil, helps you meet your daily fibre intake, along with Eating Clean®, and contributes to an efficient digestive system.  Getting toxins out is a powerful wellness step.


Do include daily exercise as part of your proactive aging strategy.  When you are moving, life feels fabulous again.  It has been said that exercise is the Fountain of Youth. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day, at a maximum heart rate of 65% or higher, preserves a more youthful, agile body.  Don’t worry about bladder leaks, Always Discreet can handle that for you. No one will know.

Emotional Wellness

Be present in every moment.  Live with purpose as Jeanne suggests. Practice gratitude by giving thanks daily for the blessings in your life, for there are many, despite whatever challenge life may have handed you.  Spend 10 minutes per day being mindful, meditating and giving thanks.

Jeanne put it nicely;

“At this life stage, ego falls by the wayside.  You live madly, passionately and with purpose.”

Make this day your day.  Fill it with mindful moments.  Take care of yourself and care how you feel.  This day is your day!

Love and best wishes for wellness,

Tosca Reno

PS. I want to hear your top strategies for aging proactively.  Won’t you share them in the COMMENTS section below? I’m ready to hear them.

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


  1. I’m starting your clean eating program and adding it to my "clean thinking" program of going back to school online at 44 years old. Due to a chronic illness, I have found myself stuck at home and unable to work, but I am not going to let another year go by without trying to naturally heal my body and mind where modern medicine has failed. I’m inspired by your zest for life and can’t wait to incorporate it into my "whole body" renewal process! If anyone is interested in also incorporating some "clean thinking" into their own routine by stimulating your mind through online learning, you can check out some awesome programs here. If you are home bound, Medical Transcription and billing/coding allow you to train from home to work from home! God Bless!

  2. Hello Heather. Thank you for trusting my Eat Clean program and adding it to your Clean Thinking program. Much success with your career.

  3. Hello Erika. I feel you are well and truly on your way to wellness. Thank you for sharing your strategies. I’m so thrilled that you are a grandmother. I do love being an Oma. Let that joy fill your soul – and then do everything you can to keep that beautiful energy in your life. I am also sorry that you lost your mom. I have my mother still and she is a joy but I worry about that day when I won’t be able to speak to her …. I will pray for you and do enjoy your time with baby. Much love, Tosca

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