Improve Movement Articles & Resources

Stay flexible and agile with exercises designed to maintain your range of motion—make every day dynamic!

Health Rebound

Health Rebound

Jump your way to health – the 10 top reasons to rebound

Health Rebound

Van Halen got it right when he sang, “Might as well jump!”  It may sound like a fantasy, but the exercise that delivers on every level is rebounding.  It also happens to be one of my favourite ways to move.  I can always make time for a little rebounding action in my...

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6 Strategies For Making Your Return To Training After Illness Or Injury

6 Strategies For Making Your Return To Training After Illness Or Injury

Remember Tosca Reno’s 6 strategies for a successful return to training after illness or injury: listen to your body, focus on hydration and nutrition to support healing, hang your ego on the door, trust muscle memory, shift your focus from what you can’t do to what you can do and develop a plan for your return to training and set achievable goals.

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