How to Create Your Morning Routine

December 4, 2019

12 / 04 / 2019

Did you know that the first twenty minutes to 2 hours after waking is the time when your subconscious mind is most present? It’s also the time when you’re most creative. That’s why many successful people create and follow a morning routine and stick with it.

I’ve created a morning routine of my own; I call it my Create Before You Consume Morning Routine, and it has led to surprising outcomes for me. From improved sleep, a calmer presence in my life, an ability to observe rather than react to situations, and biggest of all: an enormous desire to write.

I’m going to break down what I do during my morning routine as a guideline for you to create your own routine that works for you! During this time, try to only use your cell phone for playing meditation music. Otherwise, put it far away from you and don’t open any messages. Let’s get into it!

Young woman holding a bottle of water near a window

See Also: The 3 E’s of Wellness


A stunningly effective and inexpensive way to shed pounds and increase wellness is to drink more water, preferably 500 – 1000 ml. Not only is water the #1 nutritional deficiency in the world, but you’re actually considered dehydrated after a long night’s sleep.

Replacing the water you’ve lost during sleep is a powerful way to initiate wellness into your day. I start my day with a big S’well bottle full of water and drink it down before I get out of bed. You’d be surprised what flushes out of you with this small, practical step.


There are so many health benefits to meditation and it’s a great self-care practice. It heightens creativity, boosts energy, helps calm anxiety, decreases depression, and reduces blood pressure—just to name a few.

I practice a 20-minute unguided meditation every morning as soon as I wake up and I do it again at bedtime. It’s taken me some time to get used to a full 20 minutes or more of unspoken meditation. I started with an easy 10-minute guided version on Headspace. The free 30-day trial gives you just enough time to want more. I strongly encourage this practice, daily!

See Also: Compassionate Love Guided Meditation


I highly recommend that you journal as soon as you wake up, for 10-15 minutes. When you put thought to paper, you make powerful connections to what’s going on in your brain and connect with who you truly are. Plus, writing boosts cognitive function and memory, reduces mind clutter by freeing up mental real estate, reduces stress, and lets you tap into your creative genius.  

The key to journaling is to allow your thoughts to flow freely, without edits, onto paper. Journaling can absolutely create calm out of chaos and what a way to start your day!

Young woman holding a bottle of water near a window


I’m a big fan of eating clean, as you know, but what are you feeding your brain? In those early hours after waking, give your brain the opportunity to consume enriching materials through 15-30 minutes of reading. This might include personal growth books, blogs from people you admire, or even a podcast.

If you need some recommendations, check out Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins. Each of these books has powerfully shaped my new way of being.


Now that you’ve fed your brain, process what you’ve just read. For example, if I’ve read a great quote like this one:

“If I fail more than you, I win.” – Seth Godin

I feel motivated to immediately go ahead and potentially fail at something just by trying something new. I don’t mind if I don’t get it right the first time because I know that you have to fail a few times before you get to success.

More importantly, it’s not just a matter of reading something, it’s also about working with that information and putting it into practice. Share your newfound learning with your family and friends and actively make an effort to utilize the information your brain just acquired.


Eating clean provides your body and mind with the information you need to thrive. Food is information for your cells—it contains the materials every cell needs to function properly and thrive. From vitamins to minerals, enzymes to coenzymes, each component is a critical piece of the machinery that drives a fully functioning body.

For that reason, I consider every meal an opportunity to inject good information into my body. I picture the inside of my blood vessels, pancreas, and heart, and think of what nutrients those structures need to operate at their best. Then, I power up on several cups of vegetables, rich fatty acids, and other goodness that I know nourishes me deeply.

See Also: Start Your Eat Clean™ Journey

Mature woman exercising on a stability ball at home

Initiate Action

Movement is about much more than just a physically fit body. For example, movement is considered an antidote to depression. The main motivating factor for most people to exercise is not about building muscle, but more about the feeling of well-being that results after a good workout.

Everything about life from sex to sleep feels much better after you’ve moved your body. Additionally, exercise promotes a more youthful you! In short, if you’re not moving and growing, you’re dying. It’s that simple.

See Also: Fit Commit with Tosca Reno

Some of the benefits you’ll enjoy from a solid morning routine:

More self-discipline – Creating the habit of waking up and getting out of bed will reinforce the act of self-discipline, which then translates to employing that same self-discipline to other activities for the rest of your day.

Reduces stress – Getting out of bed, with regularity, helps lower the stress you might otherwise feel if you snooze through several rounds of your snooze button. Being up and active in your day right from the start helps you make the most of your morning.

Mental focus – Developing a strong morning routine tests your mental focus, sharpening it and giving you clarity and determination to solve life’s problems.

Time – You can always make more money but you can’t make more time. Waking up early and diving into your morning routine gives you an extra 1 to 2 hours each day to accomplish every task on your to-do list. Think of what you can do with that additional time!

Ritualize your day – Humans also love to ritualize. It’s how we’re wired. When you shape your morning activities into a routine that you commit to while enjoying the ceremony, you can more readily incorporate that kind of routine into other areas of your life. Rituals impart structure to your day. With structure, you have a game plan and how-to for that day. Embrace the ritual to gain the advantage!

Maximize creative output – The hour right after you wake up is the most creative 60 minutes of your day. Your brain is fresh and full of powerful, feel-good chemicals that will push your creativity to new levels. Have a pen and paper near your bed so you can jot down ideas that come to you straight from your subconscious.

Let’s get you set up for success with a powerful morning routine! Try mine and push the limits of your life higher than they’ve ever been. There is no right time, perfect age, or ideal moment. There is only right now.

With great love and wishes for wellness,


Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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