Digestive Health – Spring Cleaning From Top to Bottom.

May 11, 2018

05 / 11 / 2018

It’s spring now – yesterday’s ice storm is today’s patio party – and many of us turn their thoughts to cleaning. The feeling of cleansing away winter’s debris, both in your home and in your body, is immensely satisfying and has positive wellness benefits too, helping us feel lighter, calmer and more focused.

Let’s have a look at your 30 feet of intestines, for example. Well, I don’t mean literally, but I do think we need to consider that those pipes need a proper cleaning too. Your “regular” may be only 3 times per week but many make heaven and earth move 3 times a day. Can I get a Hallelujah?

If your regular is irregular, you aren’t alone. Consider a recent trip I undertook, with my sister. Sharing a small hotel room space, you get to know somebody intensely well, better than you might wish to. From behind the bathroom door, sounds of, um, well, distress, were emerging. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I provided some background music, to, you know, obscure the happenings.

Turns out, poor sis was constipated. When she finally emerged she needed a nap – the effort nearly did her in. Turns out she isn’t alone. Travel pretty much always disrupts bowels leaving two thirds of us constipated, so the nation suffers en masse, and not in a good way.

I’ve learned! I travel so much for work that if I don’t have my digestion arsenal with me, I become a statistic of obstruction too. Here’s what’s in my well edited and well researched Digestive Health Kit (I really want to call this my Poop Kit but I’d best behave): Jamieson ProBio SAP-90, Rexall’s exclusive Be.better Digestive Enzymes, Metamucil Fibre, peppermint oil and tea and ginger.

This kit stays packed for travel. It’s in my fridge in a sweet little kit so when travel day hits, I just grab and go. It’s the slightly less glamorous version of the Kardashian sisters makeup kits that they keep packed and ready for their travel times. LOL – maybe I can suggest one of my “poop” kits for them.

I have no issues discussing these things because it’s all part of the lifestyle I promote. Eating Clean® is a global nutrition phenomenon that helps us manage weight and wellness in a balanced way through lifestyle. This is the key to your happiness in so many ways, not just digestion. When our lifestyle is on point, meaning we are Eating Clean®, exercising and taking care of our emotional selves, we are less likely to suffer from tummy troubles and by extension, disease. Fully 42% of all digestive disease is preventable. Additionally, our immune system gets a massive boost – did you know 60% of our immune cells are in the digestive tract??

If you like learning about digestive health – facts like the average digestive tract contains about 3 pounds of bacteria (yes you do!!) – visit Rexall’s digestive tips and digestive health for more cool info.

Let us love our 30 feet of unseen glory. Let us get to the Hallelujah moments regularly. Probiotics will keep things humming nicely, fibre fills and moves you, ginger settles tummy upset and peppermint soothes deliciously. Supplement well and Eat Clean!

Your bowels will love you, honey. They will!

Love, happiness and feeling fine!

Written while drinking peppermint tea,

Rexall Wellness Ambassador

Tosca Reno

PS. I also carry Poo-Pourri with me to naturally freshen up after deposits are made. LOL! But true.

PSS. Curious about digestive health and want more info? Check out Rexall.ca where a host of digestive matters are handled in an informative and practical manner.

Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


  1. I love it!! You have to take care of the insides. If I ain’t "going" its what I’m putting in my body. I bring out the magic – to make things right again. Thanks for being open and honest with us! And as we age, I believe systems in our body start to slow down – so we need to be kind to our body – its the only one we have!

  2. Agree! Thanks so much for your comment.

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